Thursday, 23 September 2010

Technical Problems are OVER - good to be back!

I am so relieved to be back to my blog. I had some 'password issues'... but I won't dwell on that, (or re-live my frustration) as all is fine now.

At home, my window-ledge plants are dying down for the winter, but I still have some window-box tomatoes to harvest. I can't remember the names of the tomatoes … all I know is that the Big Round Ones are sweet and juicy, and the Large Plum Ones are a little 'floury'.

Even though I did not feed either of them, one of them did well, and the other didn't. I know you're supposed to feed them but, I wanted to see how they would do without it.

Now I know. Not great.

I reasoned, that Nature doesn't have a bottle of tomato feed to hand, and hoped they'd grow well anyway. So, I was half right.  Half the tomatoes did, half the tomatoes didn't.

Ho hum ... I make my own mistakes and I learn by them. Next year I shall feed all the tomatoes (with some good organic feed of course).


Sometimes, I get the odd gardening tip from a fellow plot holder. But mostly I do my own thing. I think I like it that way. I love learning as I go along. I'm often amazed at how much I already instinctively know. Where did I learn these things? Buried memories of past episodes of Gardener's World? Possibly.

Anyway, the allotment garden is still producing and I'm thrilled. Runner beans, tomatoes, lemon-balm, chives, blackberries, wild rocket, lettuce - and I still have a fair number of marigolds.

I like to grow flowers as well as vegetables. It's good to nourish my soul with beautiful flowers, as well as nourish my body with organic veggies.

Marigolds are so easy, as they self-seed and pop up everywhere. You simply weed them out where you don't want them. But usually, because I love them, I let most of them grow. They are gorgeously beautiful. Vibrant shades of orange and yellow - like the colours of the sun.

Here's a video I took at the end of August - I meant to post it earlier. I'm displaying my allotment loot. I only pick and bring back what I need, hence the seemingly 'small haul'!

At the moment, I can't get my Flip camera to work, so I've no idea when I'll make another video. I miss it!